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east valley doula services

About me

Hello! My name is Riannon, I am a wife, a mom of three, and a doula. I have always been fascinated by birth and always knew I wanted to experience pregnancy, childbirth, and motherhood more than anything. When my husband and I found out we were expecting our first baby I was thrilled, and absolutely loved being pregnant. Unfortunately, my labor did not go as expected and I ended up with an emergency cesarean birth which was not what I had wanted.  I felt terrified and powerless and heartbroken, as I had always pictured the moment I gave birth and this was NOT what it looked like! During my third pregnancy, I became involved in a mother’s group and learned about doulas.  I truly feel that a doula would have made a difference in my birth story, as I would have felt empowered with knowledge, supported with a calm, reassuring presence, and given more information about my options.  I completed my Birth Doula training through DONA International, and founded Wildflower Doula Care with the philosophy that every birth and family is as unique, beautiful and varied as wildflowers are. I strive to help families make informed decisions using evidence-based information and have no preconceived ideas about the "best" way to birth. The best way is the way that works for you, your body, and your baby!  I added Postpartum services as I wanted more opportunities to support parents in the early days of parenthood. I am currently the Volunteer Coordinator with Willow Wish, an organization supporting birth choice by providing birth center and doula grants to those in need. 

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